Elder Law | How to Find a Suitable Attorney


Elder Law | All lawyers do not have experience in practicing and tackling certain cases relating to the elderly. So, here’s how people who need help in elder legalities should find a suitable attorney.

Determining the services that an elder law attorney provides

It’s important that people understand the specific requirements for their law practitioner before hiring one.

To find the suitable elder law attorney, individuals should first determine the services that are being offered. A potential elder attorney will mostly be experienced in a particular area, for instance, estate planning, elder healthcare and so on.

Services that an elder law practitioner should provide

Here is a list of services that an elder attorney may provide. This is going to simplify things further for people who are shopping for potential elder law attorneys.

Estate planning

Tax planning

Social security services

Disability planning, including claims and appeals

Living will 

Financial management

Health care access

Nursing home issues

Retirement benefits (public and private)

Pension and survivor advantages

Mental health law services

Trust administration and managements

Guardianships and conservatorships

If there is still any confusion about the specifics, remember that along with these services, a good elder law attorney should:

Represent the client or any loved one in a caring and understanding manner

Communicate with honesty and take effective actions where necessary

Advocate steps according to their client’s wishes and needs

Be reliable and well-experienced in case of solving complex issues

For further help or expert guidance regarding elder legal services and estate contact The Law Office of Michelangelo Mortellaro P.A. at 813-367-1500.

Don’t wait! We can assist you with all of your estate planning, legal needs. Call to schedule an appointment with one of the lawyers in our Tampa office at 813-367-1500 or send us your questions online.